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Stay at the location if possible. Call for help.

B.C.R.R. (519) 466-2443 or (226) 349-2443

Your Local Humane Society

Your Local Veterinarian

Ontario Wildlife Rescue


​In Ontario, Wildlife rehabilitators must be licensed. These special permits are obtained by the Ministry of Natural Resources when specific criteria are met.


Collect an appropriate box lined with a towel and have another large towel or blanket ready and use heavy gloves to protect yourself! Approach slowly, drape the large towel or blanket over the head first and entire body, this quiets the bird.


For Raptors, while still draped in towel or blanket slide your hands around side of the body, working hands towards the tops of the feet to grasp them firmly. Place in the appropriate box and slide towel off head while closing box


For Loons and Herons, keeping control of the head is important so they don’t try to stab you. Always keep one arm around the body while supporting the head under the bottom of the long beak with the opposite hand. Carry and place the bird in a size appropriate box

Found a Bird: FAQ


In more detail...

1. Approach slowly and have available a heavy towel or blanket, heavy gloves such as welding gloves, cardboard and fish net if possible for hard to reach places or raptors that can still run.

2. Drape the towel or net over the injured birds entire body making sure to cover the head as this calms the bird.
3. Gently fold the raptor’s wings against its body into a normal relaxed position. Cradle the bird in the crook of your arm like a baby at the same time grasping the legs just above the feet with your left hand leaving your right hand free to place bird in box . Box needs to have ventilation holes placed on all sides and a towel in the bottom for padding or grasping. Uncover bird at this time. 

4. If no box is available to you at time of rescue a piece of clothing i.e. a coat can be safely wrapped around the raptor , being sure to leave the head exposed to allow breathing, always lay bird on its stomach, feet down and never on its back. 

5. NEVER use a wire cage, transport in the back of an open pick up truck or leave in extreme temperature situations. 

6. Keep away from children and pets. Provide warmth, dark and quiet and transport to the nearest facility for emergency care. 

7. Remember to handle with care, this is an extremely stressful situation for a wild bird and stress can further debilitate an already sick bird.


Want to make a donation?

Donations can be made by e-transfer directly to BCRR. Please leave your email and name in the message box. 



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